Showcase Creator Documentation

User's manual

Ordered Lists

In the Showcase Creator menu there is a section called Ordered Lists. What are Ordered Lists and when would you use one? In many cases, you want to display recent posts or sort posts alphabetically. But in some cases, you would like to display posts in a custom order. That’s what Ordered Lists are useful for. They are lists where you place posts in the order you want.

To manage Ordered Lists, go to this section in the Showcase Creator menu.

First you need to create one by clicking the Add button. You can label it however you want. It will try to generate the slug for you. But if you use non-Latin letters, it is better to enter the slug yourself, because for it you can only use Latin letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.

Create, rename, remove, import, export lists.

Order posts

Use filters

Adding, removing, moving posts. Reverse order.

Don’t forget to click Save order.